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1. Flag Evaluation API



The evaluation API allows for the evaluation of feature flag values, independent of any flag control plane or vendor. In the absence of a provider the evaluation API uses the "No-op provider", which simply returns the supplied default flag value.

1.1. API Initialization and Configuration

Requirement 1.1.1

The API, and any state it maintains SHOULD exist as a global singleton, even in cases wherein multiple versions of the API are present at runtime.

It's important that multiple instances of the API not be active, so that state stored therein, such as the registered provider, static global evaluation context, and globally configured hooks allow the API to behave predictably. This can be difficult in some runtimes or languages, but implementors should make their best effort to ensure that only a single instance of the API is used.

Requirement 1.1.2

The API MUST provide a function to set the global provider singleton, which accepts an API-conformant provider implementation.

// example provider mutator
OpenFeature.setProvider(new MyProvider());

See provider for details.

Requirement 1.1.3

The API MUST provide a function to add hooks which accepts one or more API-conformant hooks, and appends them to the collection of any previously added hooks. When new hooks are added, previously added hooks are not removed.

// example hook attachment
OpenFeature.addHooks([new MyHook()]);

See hooks for details.

Requirement 1.1.4

The API MUST provide a function for retrieving the metadata field of the configured provider.

// example provider accessor

See provider for details.

Requirement 1.1.5

The API MUST provide a function for creating a client which accepts the following options:

  • name (optional): A logical string identifier for the client.
// example client creation and retrieval
name: "my-openfeature-client",

The name is a logical identifier for the client.

Requirement 1.1.6

The client creation function MUST NOT throw, or otherwise abnormally terminate.

Clients may be created in critical code paths, and even per-request in server-side HTTP contexts. Therefore, in keeping with the principle that OpenFeature should never cause abnormal execution of the first party application, this function should never throw. Abnormal execution in initialization should instead occur during provider registration.

1.2. Client Usage

Requirement 1.2.1

The client MUST provide a method to add hooks which accepts one or more API-conformant hooks, and appends them to the collection of any previously added hooks. When new hooks are added, previously added hooks are not removed.

// example hook attachment
client.addHooks([new MyHook()]);

See hooks for details.

Requirement 1.2.2

The client interface MUST define a metadata member or accessor, containing an immutable name field or accessor of type string, which corresponds to the name value supplied during client creation.

client.getMetadata().getName(); // "my-client"

1.3. Flag Evaluation


Requirement 1.3.1

The client MUST provide methods for typed flag evaluation, including boolean, numeric, string, and structure, with parameters flag key (string, required), default value (boolean | number | string | structure, required), evaluation context (optional), and evaluation options (optional), which returns the flag value.

// example boolean flag evaluation
boolean myBool = client.getBooleanValue('bool-flag', false);

// example overloaded string flag evaluation with optional params
string myString = client.getStringValue('string-flag', 'N/A', evaluationContext, options);

// example number flag evaluation
number myNumber = client.getNumberValue('number-flag', 75);

// example overloaded structure flag evaluation with optional params
MyStruct myStruct = client.getObjectValue<MyStruct>('structured-flag', { text: 'N/A', percentage: 75 }, evaluationContext, options);

See evaluation context for details.

Condition 1.3.2

The implementation language differentiates between floating-point numbers and integers.

Conditional Requirement

The client SHOULD provide functions for floating-point numbers and integers, consistent with language idioms.

// example in GO
GetIntValue(flag string, defaultValue int64, evalCtx EvaluationContext, options ...EvaluationOption) (int64, error)

GetFloatValue(flag string, defaultValue float64, evalCtx EvaluationContext, options ...EvaluationOption) (float64, error)

See types for details.

Requirement 1.3.3

The client SHOULD guarantee the returned value of any typed flag evaluation method is of the expected type. If the value returned by the underlying provider implementation does not match the expected type, it's to be considered abnormal execution, and the supplied default value should be returned.

1.4. Detailed Flag Evaluation


Requirement 1.4.1

The client MUST provide methods for detailed flag value evaluation with parameters flag key (string, required), default value (boolean | number | string | structure, required), evaluation context (optional), and evaluation options (optional), which returns an evaluation details structure.

// example detailed boolean flag evaluation
FlagEvaluationDetails<boolean> myBoolDetails = client.getBooleanDetails('bool-flag', false);

// example detailed string flag evaluation
FlagEvaluationDetails<string> myStringDetails = client.getStringDetails('string-flag', 'N/A', evaluationContext, options);

// example detailed number flag evaluation
FlagEvaluationDetails<number> myNumberDetails = client.getNumberDetails('number-flag', 75);

// example detailed structure flag evaluation
FlagEvaluationDetails<MyStruct> myStructDetails = client.getObjectDetails<MyStruct>('structured-flag', { text: 'N/A', percentage: 75 }, evaluationContext, options);

Requirement 1.4.2

The evaluation details structure's value field MUST contain the evaluated flag value.

Condition 1.4.3

The language supports generics (or an equivalent feature).

Conditional Requirement

The evaluation details structure SHOULD accept a generic argument (or use an equivalent language feature) which indicates the type of the wrapped value field.

Requirement 1.4.4

The evaluation details structure's flag key field MUST contain the flag key argument passed to the detailed flag evaluation method.

Requirement 1.4.5

In cases of normal execution, the evaluation details structure's variant field MUST contain the value of the variant field in the flag resolution structure returned by the configured provider, if the field is set.

Requirement 1.4.6

In cases of normal execution, the evaluation details structure's reason field MUST contain the value of the reason field in the flag resolution structure returned by the configured provider, if the field is set.

Requirement 1.4.7

In cases of abnormal execution, the evaluation details structure's error code field MUST contain an error code.

See error code for details.

Requirement 1.4.8

In cases of abnormal execution (network failure, unhandled error, etc) the reason field in the evaluation details SHOULD indicate an error.

Requirement 1.4.9

Methods, functions, or operations on the client MUST NOT throw exceptions, or otherwise abnormally terminate. Flag evaluation calls must always return the default value in the event of abnormal execution. Exceptions include functions or methods for the purposes for configuration or setup.

Configuration code includes code to set the provider, instantiate providers, and configure the global API object.

Requirement 1.4.10

In the case of abnormal execution, the client SHOULD log an informative error message.

Implementations may define a standard logging interface that can be supplied as an optional argument to the client creation function, which may wrap standard logging functionality of the implementation language.

Requirement 1.4.11

The client SHOULD provide asynchronous or non-blocking mechanisms for flag evaluation.

It's recommended to provide non-blocking mechanisms for flag evaluation, particularly in languages or environments wherein there's a single thread of execution.

Requirement 1.4.12

In cases of abnormal execution, the evaluation details structure's error message field MAY contain a string containing additional details about the nature of the error.

Requirement 1.4.13

If the flag metadata field in the flag resolution structure returned by the configured provider is set, the evaluation details structure's flag metadata field MUST contain that value. Otherwise, it MUST contain an empty record.

This flag metadata field is intended as a mechanism for providers to surface additional information about a feature flag (or its evaluation) beyond what is defined within the OpenFeature spec itself. The primary consumer of this information is a provider-specific hook.

Condition 1.4.14

The implementation language supports a mechanism for marking data as immutable.

Conditional Requirement

Condition: Flag metadata MUST be immutable.

Evaluation Options

Requirement 1.5.1

The evaluation options structure's hooks field denotes an ordered collection of hooks that the client MUST execute for the respective flag evaluation, in addition to those already configured.

See hooks for details.